uRADMonitor KIT1 is the first open source DIY dosimeter KIT, that can be used to collect radiation measurements and push them to the uRADMonitor network. Similar to model B that is to be released later this year, the KIT1 is intended for those interested in building their own radiation devices and contribute to the uRADMonitor network.
The device was designed so that it an be easily reproduced by DIY enthusiasts. It features a single layer PCB and solely trough hole components.
The PCB file, and the firmware source code are available on the project’s page: http://www.pocketmagic.net/diy-dosimeter-geiger-counter-kit/ . The code is hosted both on Google code and Github, all those interested are welcome to contribute.
Very nice job, Radu!
Thank you Marco. If you build one, let me know!
Domnule Radu,
Daca citesti acest mesaj spune-mi cum te pot cantacta mai direct.
Vreau sa construiesc/cumpar acest aparat. Vreau o oferta.
Pretul totusi este o problema.
Vreau sa ma conectez la retea, fie de la serviciu fie de acasa.
Cumva are si GPS? Ce bine ar fi pentru portabil!!!
Cu bine.
D.Sandu: tel. 0742997202 sau comraex@yahoo.com
Salut Dorule, am sa iti scriu si un email, sa ai adresa mea, in caz ca vrei sa comunicam mai usor.
Nu am de vanzare astfel de aparate, am publicat schema ca sa-si construiasca cei interesati. Deoarece am scris detaliile in engleza , sunt bucuros sa-ti raspund la orice fel de itnrebari legate de constructie. Daca realizezi montajul, te rog trimite-mi poze.
Nu are GPS, dar este portabil, pe placa am lasat loc pentru 2 baterii AAA (in serie pentru un total de 3V alimentare), exista si 2 pini +/gnd pentru conectare.
Hi Radu, where you can buy the Ferrite core ICE 22 core with a diameter of 1.9cm, and an AL of 2800? You have to tell me a link? It seems to be the only component hard to find.
@Antonio, Hi!
Here are a few ferrite cores with high AL that you can use – just check their sizes, some might be too wide:
I will publish a new revision that uses an off the shelf ferrite choke instead of the more complicate current ferrite core transformer – that needs to be constructed manually, to make it easier for the DIY maker.
I will publish a new revision that uses an off the shelf ferrite choke instead of the more complicate current ferrite core transformer – that needs to be constructed manually, to make it easier for the DIY maker.
Well, then I look forward to the new revision to the PCB.
Regards, Antonio.
Well, then I look forward to the new revision of the PCB to buy the appropriate ferrite.
Regards, Antonio.
Hello Antonio,
My advise is to build this one. It is not that hard to build the ferrite transformer. There will be considerable time until I will work on this circuit again so we won’t see a revision anywhere soon. See my other comments on http://www.pocketmagic.net/diy-dosimeter-geiger-counter-kit/comment-page-1/#comment-7345
Ok Radu, then want to use the ferrite core, no problem, so I wanted to ask you, do you think this is good? http://www.ebay.com/itm/251637564839.
Another information, wanting to use the LND712 that requires 500 volts how to get them with the survultore kit1?
Hello Antonio. You will need a 1.4cm core. This one seems ok: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251637609074
The inverter voltage can be configured in the software, and it is no problem to reach 500Volts with the current design. So yes, you can use LND712 as well.
Well, then I proceed to construction, all ok.
However the interesting new project with integrated WiFi, LCD display and other sensors, can not wait to realize that, I will be the first buyer, keep me informed.
Thank you, Antonio.
Thank you! 🙂 We’ll see it happen this year.
Nice to see! I’ll surely give it a try later this year!
You’ve done a long road with this project already and it seems to go very well!
Looking forward to that!
Thanks nice board layout would encourage us to give it a try. Would like to get involved , Good project.